
Dvusmnd t1_jebb0te wrote

What he means is he will do a better job of manipulating you into thinking he is doing better.

He has to recognize that he has a problem and work towards actually fixing himself. He is this way probably from some trauma he’s experienced but it’s very serious stuff.

People he does not respect he Will confidently manipulate or think he’s manipulating them. They can choose their own reality if it gets too bad. They convince themselves about what is really happening and gaslight others to fit that reality. It comes from a place of disrespect. You are not respected.

There are better humans available.

Find people who can be trustworthy, earn your respect and can be vulnerable and highly empathetic and you can avoid these types of people.

Hugs to you. You may have dodged a bullet.


Dvusmnd t1_jeb8dw5 wrote

That sounds like sociopath behavior. You need to talk to him about this. If he responds with lack of empathy to your points then I think you should find someone that treasures your feelings and respects your boundaries.

Signs of a Sociopath Lack of empathy for others. Impulsive behavior. Attempting to control others with threats or aggression. Using intelligence, charm, or charisma to manipulate others. Not learning from mistakes or punishment. Lying for personal gain. Showing a tendency to physical violence and fights.

If you intend to stay in this relationship, you need to learn how to use verbal judo to communicate with a person like this. I would take extra precautions to avoid pregnancy cause the last thing you want is to have to coparent with someone like that.