
Dynamo_Ham t1_ixjasgr wrote

Bullshit. I believe in reasonable pay for a day’s work, with benefits, and healthcare. I don’t believe people have a “right” to do nothing and get supported by society. Hopefully someday we’ll live in a post-scarcity world and everyone can do what they want. If people want to waste their lives doing nothing then - great. But we don’t live in that world now. Generating wealth requires effort. That wealth should be fairly shared - yes. It’s not today - I agree. I should be. But the people who are able-bodied and decide to do literally nothing useful? Tough shit.


Dynamo_Ham t1_ixhwh3l wrote

This is too much letting these sedentary men off the hook. Sure, it’s true that it’s hard to motivate to work hard when you know you’re getting exploited and will barely scrape by - so why bother? I get it. But it’s not all someone else’s fault. The author being interviewed in the link is saying it’s more than that - this phenomenon can’t be explained by economics and market forces alone. It transcends job availability and wages. He’s saying that - at least for certain types of men - once a he is out of the workforce for awhile, he won’t come back even when there ARE good opportunities for good jobs. They will check out, and stay checked out - regardless. They will simply choose to mooch off the rest of the world for life. Sorry, America is far from the perfect land of opportunity, but I don’t sympathize with those guys.
