EERMA OP t1_jbwub1p wrote

No worries - there are a number of threads - they can happen in parallel rather than in series:

The work I do is rooted in Solution Focused Brief Therapy: while the influence of the past is fully acknowledged the focus is on using the present to build the client's chosen future. It's quite common to work with clients who have been so wrapped up in what they think is the problem (it often isn't) that they have lost sight of there being solutions and / or a way forward. Switching the focus can be revelatory.

Session time is split between a solution focused conversation and a guided hypnosis session. These parts re-enforce each other. The key benefits of hypnosis session include (1) a reduction in general anxiety levels (which makes it easier to to think in terms of solutions rather than problems) (2) identifying and implementing desired outcomes and (3) it develops the client's abilities with self-hypnosis so they can enjoy the benefits for as long as they choose.

Alot of what can weigh us down is emotional baggage from the past: the feelings, images and thoughts which serve no benefits to us now. One of the hypnosis sessions I have developed give the client the space to let go of any such baggage they are ready to let go of. This is often quite an emotional experience: clients have described it variously as 'it feels like I'm ten tonnes lighter', 'I'm free', 'wow - that was intense'. I tend do this session once I've worked with a client a few times - so they are ready for it. As with almost all of the sessions I do, I give the clients an MP3 version of the hypnosis session so they can repeat the process as many times as they wish: a basic ethos is that the client is the expert of their inner experience.


I have a comprehensive case study of my work with a client that I can pass on to anyone to learn more about the above: just get in touch and I'll send it on.


EERMA OP t1_j7ycp2z wrote

Yeah - it's the same here in the UK: policy makers are not interested in the population's health (the current corrupt UK regime are interested only in either feathering their own nests, serving their far right paymasters or both).


We will need major political changes i.e. such that politicians actually serve the electorate, rather than themselves, to establish smart systems and processes for our wellbeing provision. In the meantime, those who can st have to keep on keeping on doing the best the can.


EERMA OP t1_j7jornq wrote

This hits on a couple of really important issues. The competence of the therapist and how therapy is funded.

When selecting a therapist to work with, choose one who has lived experience akin to what you're looking for help with: wile theory and qualifications are essential, it's having the lived experience that makes sense of it. On my own little corner of Reddit, I have posted a piece about choosing the right therapist.

Funding is a perennial issue for both potential clients and therapists alike. I'm in the UK and the NHS does not fund what I do: I often speak to clients who come to me out of necessity as the NHS provision simply does not fit their needs. Fees are a problem for too many people - often it is those who can afford the fees the least who would actually benefit the most. I'm currently establishing on-line group sessions which will emulate some aspects of what I do with my 1:1 clients for a fraction of the price of 1:1 sessions. I do however agree with your substantive point of therapy being a privilege: and it will remain so until the policy makers get it into their heads that therapy is a highly cost effective means of improving the population's wellbeing.


EERMA OP t1_j6dxor1 wrote

That's a tough situation for anyone and I'm sorry you are having to live with it.

With effort, support - and the inevitable setbacks along the way - it is realistic to expect to turn this vicious cycle around in to a virtuous cycle of living a fulfilling life. Ignore those who will tell you it is easy. Listen to those who will tell you it is worth it.




EERMA OP t1_j6dic5y wrote

'Success' is you living your life, your way: applying your signature strengths to create meaning for you, value for others and legacy for the future.


Whatever this means for any individual is down to them. Conflicts between what this means for a person and what others (typically parents) want / demand of them of ten lead to long term conflicts which manifest themselves in issues rooted in low life satisfaction or low self confidence, or anxiety, or anger (especially in men) or depression or a mixture of these things. I see this pattern quite often in my clients.


EERMA OP t1_j6a90zb wrote

I'm so sorry things are so hard for you at the moment: irrespective of how strong or well-balanced anyone is - with this to get through, anyone would need so much more support than a social media quick read.

I really do hope you find the support you need so you don't have to get through this all on your own.

Rooting for you,
