
EWC_2015 t1_jczr7cs wrote

Even if/when the indictment is voted, it's sealed as a matter of state law until it's actually filed in court at the arraignment. And then it's a matter of prosecutorial ethics to litigate the case in the courts and not out in the open where it could influence potential trial jurors.

So many levels of stupid here by the House GOP.


EWC_2015 t1_jakizls wrote

5 yrs ago there wasn’t discovery reform that buried prosecutors in paperwork and attached speedy trial dismissal as the one and only remedy (practically speaking that’s how it played out despite what the statute says) for their failure to keep up with 10x their normal work load.

I anticipate many of the arrests under this new felony will be downgraded except for the most serious ones, much like what happens to many felony arrests.


EWC_2015 t1_j9g97c3 wrote

Given the number of e-bikes that zip around pedestrian spaces, we 100% need this for the inevitable crashes. Anytime I run over the qboro bridge from queens into Manhattan I feel like I’m playing frogger to avoid getting killed by an e-bike because they do NOT pay attention to the line dividing the bike path from the pedestrian path. I’m constantly pointing at the bike lane and yelling at them to get out of our lane and into theirs.


EWC_2015 t1_j7gu9z1 wrote

Now instead of the "jump out at the next station and rush to the next car to escape the crazy yelling guy threatening to kill everyone" experience, you get the "rush back and forth down an entire train length for the duration of the commute because now there's nowhere to go!" experience.

I guess it'll be good for your exercise regimen.


EWC_2015 t1_j696a77 wrote

>I bet if there hadn’t been a pandemic the George Floyd protests wouldn’t have been as big -it gave people an excuse to gather when gatherings were essentially banned.

I found myself wondering if this was true in the aftermath when things had "quieted down" so to speak. I was expecting similar events last night given just how BAD this case is, but it was surprisingly quiet. NBC reported it as "protests erupt" across the country and the shots they showed of Memphis, Boston, and NYC had remarkably small crowds.