
Ear_Enthusiast t1_jdt4rcv wrote

So people parking in that parking lot and patronizing other businesses is a major problem for 7-11 so they hired the tow truck service. If they let just anyone park there none of their customers would have anywhere to park. Also I know there are several signs. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Ear_Enthusiast t1_j9trw1i wrote

They've never turned a profit in net sales but in tax revenue it brings in a lot of money. And again, VCU uses the stadium too. And the Diamond might have been great for a few years back when it was built but it's been a dump for 30 years. I moved up here from Hampton Roads in the early 90's. Norfolk tore down Met Park because it was suc a shit hole and built Harbor Park. I remember my first trip to the Diamond thinking that even divey-ass Met Park, that was torn down, was much nicer than the Diamond. That was 30 years ago. Meanwhile Harbor Park in Norfolk is packed every night with a Triple-A team, thirty years later.


Ear_Enthusiast t1_j9tfcy3 wrote

A new ball park should pay for itself several times over. Every ticket, beer, soda, hotdog, candy, luxury suite, merch, event at the park are taxed. The businesses around the ball park get busy before the games. Last game I went to, we couldn't get into Fat Dragon or Boulevard Burgers. A nice new park would be an even bigger draw. The alternative would be losing the Squirrels, tearing down the Diamond, some corporation buys the space and builds a Target there.


Ear_Enthusiast t1_iwbyx19 wrote

Agreed, but it's not just that. It's all of the growth west of Woodlake and all of the housing developments popping up in the area that concern me more. The addition of the water park on top of all that shit certainly doesn't help. Powhite North is going to be a nightmare once it's extended past Magnolia Green and Hampton Park. It's already bad at the two tolls in the mornings and afternoons. All of the HOA's in the area need to start working together to start putting pressure on the county to start thinking about infrastructure and new facilities.