
EarlDwolanson t1_j2d0sl2 wrote

This whole invasion was demented so I doubt we would have been secure. Why would Russia not attempt to "fix" their Transnistria-Moldova historical problem after? Or support Serbia and interfere more in balcans after, especially with full manouverabilty on black sea? Have you seen what they were proposing Viktor Orban and nationalist Hungarians for Carpathians/Transilvanian area and Western Ukraine? If they agreed to something like that we would have to kick them out of EU... All this within the immediate geographic vicinity and reach post conquest of Ukraine, I am not even talking Nordics and NATO or Baltics or the border issues already happening with Poland/Bielorus.

Nah, this Russia is not a good faith actor, and needs to be exterminated in the battlefield with anything short of nukes for the good of the West and ultimately the world.