
EarthVSFlyingSaucers t1_j3jxazd wrote

Fire departments aren’t privatized and because of that, run on a VERY strict schedule of when/who/how many hours you can work at any given time to ensure every firefighter can perform at 100%.

This just further proves both of our points that healthcare should not be privatized because a company can, and absolutely will drill it down into the last dollar to maximize a profit.


EarthVSFlyingSaucers t1_j3jr40i wrote

“You can’t run a hospital without nurses”

This statement is EXACTLY why hospitals shouldn’t be privatized. Nurses/hospital staff deserve fair treatment as with any other profession, doubly so because the work they do is so integral to society.

I have three different friends who are nurses, all of them in different parts of the country. They all have the same complaint: “I’m working 14 hour shifts, multiple days in a row because our hospital refuses to hire more.” Yet these same hospitals are grossly overpaying their top staff and hoarding all the money for themselves.

Let them strike. It sucks for the patients who need care for sure but the blame isn’t on the nurses, it’s the disgusting rich elite who run the hospitals. You can love and take pride in your job, doesn’t mean you should be literally forced to do it 14 hours a day.