
EasternKanye t1_itlh2rz wrote

He is but he was pissed.

Years ago my wife & I were hiking in Stowe with our elderly dog. Our dog was off leash but she stayed with us. She never had any interest in strangers, she just wanted to be with us.

2 women were coming the other way with a herd of dogs. One dog (a pit mix) saw our dog and made a mad dash for her. It immediately tried to break our dogs neck. They both fell of a cliff. On landing the mix let go of our dog and came up with it's tail wagging. The owner of the dog yelled at my wife for being so upset.

I blame rescues for adopting out vicious/reactive dogs but downplay the risk/issues. They also make people feel like they are doing Gods work when they adopt more than one dog. So we now have people out there that have bit off more than they can chew when it comes to dog ownership.


EasternKanye t1_itjfn9g wrote

A friend of mine was hiking up when he heard people coming down talking. They were talking about how their dog just bit someone on top. When they met a young boy was holding the leash. The dog ended up biting my friend.