
EchoesInTheAbyss t1_iwgcv6y wrote

Well, there is some academic interest in the topic. But patchy information because it was/is a taboo topic, plus a woman especific topic (so extra shameful 😖). Which means limited sources. This is a fashion history podcast, they interview a professor on this very topic


EchoesInTheAbyss t1_iuyxp17 wrote

The key is the word "majority", which is actually untrue.

Maybe the "majority" of the very few women you have interacted and are willing to discuss this with you. But not necessarily the 51% of the population at large.


EchoesInTheAbyss t1_iuyxd7z wrote

If you take a college course on Women’s History and Sociology, this topic is mentioned a bit. First of all, proportionally speaking, there are a very few source materials written by and for women, which gets even more accentuated the further you go back in time. Which means us today are left to try to make a complete picture with very few pieces and loads of bias towards "The Male" side of societies. Additionally, the sexual repression in society of Victorian times is exactly what lead to an increase interest in all kinds of ideas around human sexuality, including the work of Sigmund Freud (eventually). Why? Because people often times are attracted or curious to the forbidden, to the taboo topics.

Not to mention, the expansion of European colonization mean an imposition by force of a very specific brand of ideology with certain concepts of Christianity interwoven. We are still living the after effects. There was an active extermination campaign of other cultures, hence we have incomplete pictures of the mindsets for these topics.


EchoesInTheAbyss t1_iuyw65d wrote

Oh yes, in some middle age societies of Europe, if a woman was raped she "dishonor the family", and often would be married off to her rapist. I can't remember the era, but in ancient Roman societies the Paterfamilia decided if a baby lived or died, and often if it was a girl she would be abandoned to the streets. Not too mention the women in these [wealthy] families had loads of restrictions even to leave the house.


EchoesInTheAbyss t1_iuyvkh8 wrote

sigh idk, when you are called "dirty", "slutty", "careful, you will give boys the wrong idea" etc on the regular, even for non-sexual things one tends to be wary in discussing/exploring our sexual lives. Not too mention the role of religion in blaming women for "getting kicked out of paradise", "dishonoring the family" etc.