
Eclipse489 OP t1_jbztcmm wrote

Taken with my Nikon Z5, VR 70-300mm F/4.5-5.6 lens and standard tripod

This is a total of ~100 frames stacked out of ~23,000 (frames taken at ISO 100 / 300mm / F/9 / 1/200 sec)

Composited with an overexposed shot taken at ISO 100 / 300mm / F/9 / 1''

Preprocessing done in PIPP, stacking done in Autostakkert, wavelets done in Registax and final compositing/editing done in Photopea.



Eclipse489 OP t1_j5f25hv wrote

I noticed that issue too, though on my screen it wasn't visible unless I upped the brightness a ton (of the image, my screen is always at full brightness).

I tried to mitigate it a bit but if I went any further with the black level it started messing up the terminator lines, so I just left it like this. I don't notice it at all on my computer or phone screen, both at full brightness.


Eclipse489 OP t1_j5erxec wrote

Feel free to zoom in, it's a large image.

Took photos of the moon whenever I could for the past month or so, and finally compiled them into this phase panorama!

Each photo took about an hour to finish, and are stacks of somewhere around 100 images (varies by image) from videos of somewhere between 1k and 3k frames (also varies by image), taken on my Nikon Z5 camera and F/4.5-5.6 70-300mm lens.

Stacked in Lynkeos, post-processing done in either Lightroom, Darktable or Photopea (again varies by image).

Final panorama compiled together in Photopea.

The central full moon image is from the moon/mars conjunction on 12/8/22
