
EdofBorg t1_j9wj5wf wrote

For instance I did a job last summer actually repairing someone else's shit work. We had a land hurricane here 2 years ago and it tore this guy's rail off his deck, the stairs were separated and never attached to begin with, it needed posts underneath because of unsupported spans, a couple basement windows, etc. I broke it down with deck first including attaching stair unit, then rail which was some hollow composition crap which they had already bought and actually over bought since over half the original was still good, and then windows. Each is a different skill set and they had already blown money on the losers who built the deck before the storm tore their shit work down. Out of a sympathy I did $400, $300, $200. They bought materials.

I have people who have people and sometimes ask if I will do the work because bigger companies can't either be trusted and mark up parts like 200-300%. If it's a bunch of different jobs I just break it down by specialty.


EdofBorg t1_j9t2lfn wrote

Badly paid? I average better than overtime pay from my primary job on side gigs and I don't have people who can barely change a light bulb let alone do safe construction and repairs telling me how to do it. I also work in increments. I break a job down into multiple goals. Each time I achieve the next goal I get paid or I don't do the next goal. Cuts down on scammers getting free work.


EdofBorg t1_issld05 wrote

Yup. 2nd only to Hydrogen. Stars are mostly Hydrogen and Helium. It is estimated that 25% of all mass in the universe is helium. But given its properties its hard to hold onto. It's chemically inactive so it doesn't stick to anything so it isn't locked up say like Hydrogen and Oxygen are in water which stays put. Hence the oceans.

Helium is created by fusion and fission. The sun, and all stars, make helium from hydrogen and in earth radioactive decay knocks off helium atoms from Uranium and what not that gets trapped until it finds a way out and our gravity is too weak to hold onto it. Pretty much boiling off into space. It can be recovered from the atmosphere but the process is kind of costly. Easier to separate it from Natural Gas at the moment.


EdofBorg t1_isda66k wrote

Adjustable rate mortgages were part of the scam. They needed this to cause the defaults. The Sub Prime Crime was about scamming low and middle income workers into guaranteeing debt that the banks then pretended were their assets. You see it doesn't really matter what name is above the door of a bank. They are all the same bank. Owned by the same people, regulated by the same government, and their corruption and gambling backed up with U.S. Taxpayer Dollars when they implode. When Joe Blow (A) bought Joe Blow (B)s price inflated home and some digits went from A to B nothing actually went anywhere. Banks routinely loan money they don't actually have. The whole idea was to use the ARMs to cause as many defaults as possible and in the ensuing panic discard as much fraud as possible. Like a thief setting a house on fire to hide any evidence left behind.


EdofBorg t1_isd3isw wrote

I took advantage of the obvious scam going on that led up to the 2008 collapse. The Sub Prime Fraud was so blatantly obvious. Bush 43 handed out your tax dollars for down payments for first time buyers. Shopping around for appraisals. Casual inspections.

Except I wasnt stupid and got a fixed rate not adjustable and the funniest part....I could actually afford my payments.