
Educational_Worth906 t1_je9l0sz wrote

Face ID works excellently for me. It’s not too fussy about angles, or the fact that my face can change from full beard to clean shaven, or be anything in between. With or without glasses or sunglasses not a problem either. I prefer it to fingerprint, but I never had a problem with that apart from it being inconvenient if wearing gloves.


Educational_Worth906 t1_ixhqpuw wrote

Why is it an issue? You have loads of space left on there. If you were running out of space I’d understand. I wouldn’t worry about it until then.


Educational_Worth906 t1_iu4yq0t wrote

Reply to comment by Kindnexx in Esims question by Normal-Question-1994

It’s still going to take a long time for everyone using physical SIMs to move to new phones. Loads of people I know are using 5+ year old phones with no intention of getting a new one until it breaks. There’s still a large market for non-smartphones and other devices like mobile routers, cameras etc. that need a SIM card. These don’t get replaced anywhere near as frequently as smartphones. My last mobile router lasted 5 years and I expect my new one to as well.


Educational_Worth906 t1_iu4mt01 wrote

Physical SIMs will be around for a long time yet. I don’t think it’s anything to worry about. Plenty of people are using older phones with no thought of updating. There are over 6 billion smartphones in use and probably at least the same that aren’t smartphones.