
EfficiencySafe t1_jadpvfl wrote

Dealership are the most expensive places for maintenance, After the warranty go to a non dealership for repairs, For the recalls go to the dealership. I would just repair the car wheel sensor and tune up the engine and replace the oil with 100% synthetic oil (Non Dealership) and keep driving it until it rusts out, A vehicle is a depreciating asset just to go from A-B.


EfficiencySafe t1_iujwvhk wrote

I would use it to pay off any debt you have first even if it’s only a mortgage. Second I would invest it possibly in mutual funds. It’s your money know and you never know if you need it in the future. My dad didn’t physically abuse us but he mentally did, So we kids have his temper. After my mom died the money was split up I have no regrets keeping and using the money I got. Best of luck 🤞