
EggplantOriginal6314 t1_jecllhc wrote

Please every other reddit cheating story is a man in his mid/late thirties snd a 20 something girl. You should be concerned. I would stress he needs to stop it now - it has crossed lines - He needs to be blunt and say - I am happily married and love my wife . We need to only message about work. They don’t need to be buddies at work - Work is for work and polite conversation - not hanging out snd messaging about other things dll day. He needs to go back to being strictly professional and she can have friendship with people her own age outside of work who are not your husband.


EggplantOriginal6314 t1_j6oer09 wrote

Okay you need to seriously read what you wrote - you asked him if he was cheating and he said no- Umm so he will just send nudes to anyone that asks??? That makes no sense. Of course he was having a sexting conversation!!! Please don’t close your eyes on this subject an innocent person does not send nude pictures of themselves to anyone !!!


EggplantOriginal6314 t1_j2ffpdh wrote

I am laughing at you. This is bullshit. “filled with guilt”. 🤮🤮🤮. You are full of shit is what you are.full of. You are a cheater and now you are caught!! I hope your girlfriend never talks to your cheater ass again. You wanted to get off and have fun so you fooled around with your ex and now not only will you pay for at least 18 years but that poor child will pay to have 2 parents that act like kids. “i find myself in a horrible predicament “ Yes, one of your own making because you couldn’t keep your dick in your pants and be a faithful man. You are a pitiful excuse for a man. No one feels sorry for you !! Karma !!