
Ek0sh t1_j5qzci6 wrote

Ah, didnt know talking someone into leaving his partner is the same as talking him into a different sexuality.

See this is the problem. Everything here is carefully worded to pity the woman and judge the man as a monster. But the actions themselves that he did are almost noble.


Ek0sh t1_j5px29b wrote

Ah yes the ancient man art of talking to a lesbian and making her leave her girlfriend for you. She is a crazy bitch and he hold there like a freaking saint. Whats the fuking problem on hiring an escort when you have the explicit consent of your partner and shes already been in another relationship for a year.

He didnt manipulate her. She noticed how harmful were her actions when she saw those same actions being made against her. She manipulated him into allowing an alternative relationship.

And what the actual fuck on your enfasis on him admiting he cant get dates (not actually what is in the post btw), what is the Big deal. You are in an open relationship but cant get girls? Why not hire a hooker? Where the fuck is the manipulation? Whats the difference if he found and actual date. Literally zero.


Ek0sh t1_j5p4t6y wrote

You are the psycho.

He agreed when she said she wanted other girls in the bedroom. He agreed when she fucking said she is gonna start seeing a girl. When he hired the escort, he didnt manipulate or lie, he just showed her the same thing she has been doing to him for a fucking year. And she was suddenly hurt?

This man is not perfect but he did literally nothing wrong for 10 years, that we know of based on this post. Hes been incredibly respectful and open minded.


Ek0sh t1_j5p4m6u wrote

Wtf you are saying. When did he lie or manipulate her. When did he tried to convince her she is not lesbian.

He agreed when she said she wanted other girls in the bedroom. He agreed when she fucking said she is gonna start seeing a girl. When he hired the escort, he didnt manipulate or lie, he just showed her the same thing she has been doing to him for a fucking year. And she was suddenly hurt?

This man is not perfect but he did literally nothing wrong for 10 years, that we know of based on this post.