
ElectroWizardLizard t1_j6n9s0t wrote

> I didn't get the excitement of reading the books as mentioned.

I think this is probably part of the issue, expecting excitement in books that aren't meant to be. I had a similar issue as I mostly read mystery, so anything with out something to solve felt lacking. It takes time start to appreciate books for anything you normally don't.

It's an odd thing to break, and I couldn't really tell you how. At the core it's probably just keep at it. Simple suggestions would be try to check books that are a mix of genres.

If you don't already I would also suggest reading multiple books at once, some in your comfort zone and at least one outside. I found that this helps as you don't dedicate to one, you can read whatever depending on your mood at the time.


ElectroWizardLizard t1_iyetpxh wrote

I set a goal of 12 this year. After reaching it bumped to 24. Then 52. On pace to make it, I'm ~75% done the last 2 to reach it.

I don't think I'm going to actually set a number goal next year, but more specific targets for what I read. (A few books in French, some more non fiction, new authors, branch out more in genres)