
Electronic_Low_2042 t1_je7efap wrote

That’s pretty standard to wait until they’re big enough but the pairing part does suck. I wonder if they do that because they are so full ? I’m sorry youre in this situation. When I saw your post I was under the impression you weren’t going to keep it . If you wanted to keep him you should’ve just taken him to the vet to get seen to make sure he was okay , then fed and kept him🥺 I think anytime you call a rescue to help with saving an animal you’d have to be put through the same process of adopting like any other person would have to go through .


Electronic_Low_2042 t1_jd137yq wrote

Obviously you’re the fucking stupid one, you started out saying he was from Oklahoma now you’re saying Springfield 😂😂😂 is it Meth you’re smoking??? I don’t care what interviews you say you watched, he was raised here and his family is STILLLL here in Springfield. Now stop replying to me and go seek treatment


Electronic_Low_2042 t1_jd0rmm0 wrote

I think you ARE pretty slow because that’s exactly what I’m saying… he’s from Springfield. It’s not hard to do a quick Google search 😂 Google literally says “ born in Oklahoma raised in Springfield, MO” … I don’t need to sell you on anything because I could care less what you think, but you’re obviously crazy lol


Electronic_Low_2042 t1_jc87wp1 wrote

Thanks! Oh no I’m sorry you didn’t have a great experience there! Did they recently get new teachers or did you go there a long time ago? I graduated in 2018, I had Ms Rose and Rayna. But yeah the Stanley’s were super sweet so if they are the same owners of it now it’s sad that it’s come to this 😩