
Eleflan t1_ja8jkyl wrote

Has anyone ever said they regretted reading asoiaf? I certainly am glad to have read it.

That said I get my books from the library these days so I'm not really supporting authors anyways and with such a backlog I only ever get around to reading series once they are finished usually.


Eleflan t1_ivv6jcf wrote

Classics, non fiction, and books I own. I keep track of them and if I feel I didn't do particularly well in a category I will try to make it a focus the next year.

My 2022 goals were to get back into some "joy of reading" type things that goodreads kind of killed for me. One goal was to reread a favorite book. I used to reread a lot more before I joined GoodReads and now the TBR is basically infinite and I never reread. My other goal was to go to the store or library and browse for a book and read it without looking it up online. I basically research everything on GoodReads and order it at the library so I wanted to go back in time to when I would browse and discover books at the bookstore. I ended up with a mediocre read LOL


Eleflan t1_itl2dej wrote

I do this too. I just finished The Three Musketeers because I have tickets to a theatre production in November. I thought it started off okay, I was pretty unimpressed with d'Artagnan. But half way through I thought it got really good. Now I'm just hoping the show sticks to the first book because I don't have time to read the rest of the trilogy. I find knowing the story ahead of time adds to the enjoyment of live shows, you can see what's been adapted and omitted for the stage.