
Elsbethe t1_iybw6dg wrote

Go to therapy and talk about it

Half of all people step out of their relationships people have to learn how to heal from these things and not keep running if indeed having monogamous long term relationships is their goal

I think most people's goals is really serial monopoly and this is their excuse for leaving

It was a long time ago

I think people have to decide whether they want honesty or not. If we want truth telling then we have to deal with the truth

If one truth is told everybody runs out the door it doesn't encourage anybody to be honest


Elsbethe t1_iuaceuk wrote

In all fairness it is complicated

We are labeling them a lesbian couple

We are calling one of them Butch

They may identify us a straight couple

The more masculine person May identify as a man or a or as a trans man, Or in the language of the day as a transvestite, Or cross dresser

We don't know how people labeled themselves especially especially in a world with so few labels

I appreciate that you think that Butch has been reclaimed but as a woman who has loved Butches my whole life I assure you that the word has never gone out of style at all

I think the most useful term would have been "the one who is more masculine. "