
EmotionalSuportPenis t1_jdoaquj wrote

NICS needs to be open to the public either way. Right now only registered gun dealers can access it, which means if you're doing a private sale and want to do a background check even though you aren't legally obligated to, you can't. Your only other choice is to transfer it through a licensed dealer, but they charge anywhere from $20 to $100 to put it on their books and do the background check.


EmotionalSuportPenis t1_jbs1hoh wrote

There are some wildlife education programs where an animal is temporarily captured from the wild, provided with highly nutritious food and extensive veterinary care, kept for a finite amount of time (usually a season or 1-2 years) to be an "animal ambassador" where people have a chance to see them, and then released back into the wild in a much stronger, healthier state than they would have otherwise been without human intervention. I think that's about the only ethical way to do something like this, but that kind of program is usually done with smallish animals like owls and rabbits, not a whole-ass pod of orcas.


EmotionalSuportPenis t1_jbqdglf wrote

I'd imagine the scene was a whole lot more chaotic and active in reality than the account lets on. Just think of every modern video where some disgruntled person walks in somewhere and starts breaking shit.

If time travel was a thing, that's one of the events I'd want to watch, and I'm not even Christian. I'd be there to watch the completely dumbfounded priest awkwardly trying to figure out what to do in the background, the temple guard getting run over by the stampede of people, the disciple throwing whatever was to hand, and the enterprising gentleman stealing everything he could get his hands on in the chaos and then running for the door. You know they were all there.


EmotionalSuportPenis t1_ja6zxck wrote

Icing should be pretty easily detectable in the PC-12, though, and I'm not sure Pilatus even sells any of them without ice control systems. Not to say it couldn't be a factor, but the pilots are trained and the planes are built to deal with it, and they tend to fly in icing conditions a lot.


EmotionalSuportPenis t1_j1e29gy wrote

Buchanan's leadership, or more correctly his near total lack of leadership, is generally cited as one of the primary contributing factors to the outbreak of the Civil War. He refused to take a stance either way or undertake any action on the question of slavery at a critical moment in American history, deliberately kicking the can down the road to whoever was president after him, which turned out to be Lincoln. By the time Lincoln took office, years of inaction had allowed tensions to spiral out of control and effectively guaranteed the occurrence of the Civil War, when careful statesmanship years earlier may have prevented the worst.

Nobody's taking Buchanan's spot at the bottom until they manage to split the country in half and get 2% of the American population killed in an armed conflict again, which would be 6.7 million people right now.


EmotionalSuportPenis t1_j0smba0 wrote

Well, they haven't "always" been a thing because they're invasive. People letting their pet iguanas loose established the first breeding populations in South Florida in the late 1960s.

Basically, the first Florida iguanas were making the first Florida iguana babies while the Beatles were writing Sgt. Pepper's.


EmotionalSuportPenis t1_iy8bfmk wrote

As a rough rule of thumb, a human needs about 1 liter a day at an absolute minimum, assuming you aren't sweating or exerting yourself. That just replaces what you lose through normal metabolic processes.

You could probably do with even less temporarily, but at that point you're just delaying your death because you're still experiencing a net loss of water.

An average human undertaking average activity levels needs 3-4 liters a day to stay healthy, not just alive.


EmotionalSuportPenis t1_iy6svfn wrote

Biblical names stick around by virtue of being Biblical names. They are notable, a lot of people will have seen them, and they are (were) extremely culturally relevant. You'll also find that different Biblical names tend to be kept by speakers of different languages depending on what's easiest to pronounce.

People are still named after non Biblical figures like Alexander and Helen for the same reasons, even though the two originators of those names were born ~2400 and ~3200 years ago, respectively.


EmotionalSuportPenis t1_ixp6e4f wrote

Because much like every other cult, Hancock fans are effectively impossible to convince that he's a total fraud. So every time anyone (rightly) criticizes him, they get downvoted and usually accused of being part of the secret cabal of archaeologists that are suppressing information for whatever reason.

They'll go the way of flat earthers and moon landing deniers eventually, but Rogan has been boosting the hell out of him.