
Empres_Of_Darkness t1_jcpnpap wrote

Oh just treat the poor dear as one would a pet snake. Only the pet snake can take you places. It isn't hurting you, and leave it alone it won't hurt humans either. Take it to a scrapyard or something and let it have its meal.


Empres_Of_Darkness t1_j83l4yd wrote

Basing it on the fact anyone could manage to stay alive for a week or so if they're smart enough to escape in the first place. He's smart, even made a digital copy of his diary in case he loses it. Sounds like he'll be fine


Empres_Of_Darkness t1_j814y1c wrote

Michael don't listen to the paranoid people out there and stay where you are. Any attempt at relocating might be your mother's plan to finally get to you. The police is your best hope, you'll be safe there. Stay Strong.
