
Enchanting_Smith t1_jbm6k6r wrote

I'll raise your wait with "just do". Keep going, keep doing, you're already trying and that is succeeding because the worst you can do is not try. Keep doing. Keep being, keep experiencing, keep evolving - grow your mind, your budget, your perspective, your own garden, your relationships, career, vocabulary, bookshelf - whatever matters to you, keep doing. Never wait for the good things to come or they won't - do. Do and expect the bad and good because some bad (while not always necessary) can help us appreciate the good when we achieve it, and see how far we've come from misfortune, or immaturity, circumstance or fear.

You got this. Fight the thoughts. You're bigger than your mind!


Enchanting_Smith t1_jb1aoaz wrote

Sadly in our reality profit trumps environment. Washington's destroying so much of what makes it beautiful. Why is it always "peoples" fault though? Its usually companies, politicians, celebrities and other people who make huge profit off destroying land who are at fault - I can buy all the reusable straws and protest as much as I want, but it's not just a "people" problem.


Enchanting_Smith t1_iugon1z wrote

I have no idea why people are downvoting you for saying alcohol was the issue. It actually disturbs me how many are willing to say that he could have just as easily made the mistake sober as he did drunk. There is no way to know that, but being drunk absolutely is the blame for the incident to some extent with its disadvantages. Reddit downvotes me make worry very often.