
EndHawkeyeErasure t1_jdi04c8 wrote

Our first was actually the day before we moved in together, and it went something like, "I promise I never do this. But my friend called & has a dog she can't keep, and he's here (the town I was working in for my last day before moving across the state), so like... do you want a dog?" That was Apollo. I really hadn't (consciously) done that at the time... but looking back, that was a lie. Next was we were going to adopt a cat at my office. My job was to find a good cat that wouldn't wanna bolt out the door. I found a tripawd that I fell in LOVE with before my boss decided she wasn't ready. I was sad about it and he just goes, "... do... do we need to go get the cat?" That was Shiloh.

The last one was maybe the worst. My Hound dog had been living with my dad (we had an apartment, dad had land, better place for the hound) but Dad broke his heel and couldn't keep up with all of his pets, so I, without consulting my darling, patient husband, went, "yea sure we can take him back!!" Welcome home, Miller. (We now own a house with plenty of roaming room, but 1000sq feet with 2 kids and 2 dogs was NOT fun for a while.)

Tell your husband to send Christmas cards and call more. Lol.


EndHawkeyeErasure t1_ixdyxkk wrote

Let's give the shop the benefit of the doubt. Check the CMOS log for a change in the processor - there's your proof it was changed. Next, call the repair shop. "Hey, I had my PC in the other day, and I think yall might have put a different processor in my PC by mistake, and I need my processor back." If they say they didn't change it, kindly call them out - "Actually, the log files indicate there was a change on this day at this time, while it was in your shop." If they're smart, they'll take that as a hint that you know what you're saying and relent, or go, "Oops! Found it!!" And try to save face. If they don't relent, make their lives hell in the reviews. Make it very plain that they stole the part and lied about it even though you have proof. "Buyer beware" in big bold letters are always great buzzwords.

I hope for your sake it was an honest mistake. We're all human. But in the event that these guys are shady, best of luck to you.