
EnigmaWho t1_iuiuoxz wrote

[Pre-Script] Okay so there is already 33 other posts regarding this WP. Seems a bit of a waste, but here I go...

[18+] Lord Asmodeus Guide Me 🙏

12AM - 6AM Everyday, except 12AM - 4AM on Sunday. This is my shift every day. 40 hours a week. Luckily or unfortunately, I seem to be somewhat nocturnal. My brain typically shuts down when the sun rises while my hazy adrenaline seems to bring me back to life a couple hours after noon.

Being the way that I am, the people around me would typically call me lazy or call me names. The people at work would even call me Sloth because I'm tall, skinny, and lanky while being slow at times. Even so, they know I can take care of the grave shift because it's rarely busy and ends right before the morning rush where I tend to mess up the most.

I don't know exactly on what day it happened, but about a week ago, I had a peculiar customer at 3:33AM. It happened while I had just finished cleaning, reorganizing and prepping everything for the next shift. I tend to experiment with certain ingredients when it comes to my own personal coffee. I like collecting exotic materials in my free time. Dry axolotl tail powder for rejuvenation, barrenwort for the rich caramel aroma, and pomegranate... just because it's my favorite fruit. Compress it with expresso grinds and make a nice warm latte.

As I had just finished my new recipe, someone walked in. It wasn't everyday one would smell sulfur and damp salty fish mixed into one... A weird scent by anyone's standard being that it was quite peculiar and not of one with any main brand notoriety.

But I personally liked it.

I wasn't able to pinpoint if it was a man or a woman.

"Hello, sir... or ma'am? I'm so sorry. I can't seem to make out what you are... no offense I hope..."

"Oh, I'm..." it said in a deep mysterious yet alluring voice.

"... whatever you want me to be." It finished with a seductively charming feminine voice.

"Oh okay, then. How can I help you?" I responded.

I wasn't sure since I was distracted by the fashion sense of what seemed to be their horned head gear, but the customer seemed a bit disappointed.

"Might I ask what you have in your hands young one?"

"Oh this? It's my own personally recipe."

"May I?" The customer asked while reaching out a hand slowly.

"Sure... but..." as I passed my latte to the customer hesitantly while trying to inform him/her about the ingredients.

The customer places a finger on my lips and takes a sip. Breathes deep and releases a sigh. Not sure if I was hallucinating, but I'm sure I heard a faint sound of children screaming within the sounds of that sigh.

"It's missing a thing or two...." The customer said.

I wasn't sure if the customer knew about my interest in adding strange ingredients, but without a moment of hesitation blurted out, "Blood!" While quickly grabbing my hand and pricking my index finger.

It all happened so fast, as if having the speed of a demon. The customer uncapped the latte and squeezed my blood in the cup. Happening instantaneously that I couldn't react or sense any pain.

"Uhm... dear customer? We're not supposed to do that..." I spoke out.

"Oh I'm sorry about that. Please forgive me. I have a tendency to get ahead of myself."

"It doesn't really hurt, so it's not a big deal or anything." I responded, trying to be as nice as possible since I'm still on the clock.

"I have another request and it might seem a little bold or straightforward, but please help me a little would you?" The customer said while looking into my eyes.

Those eyes... were so mesmerizing... like a dark sea of stars pulling you in.

I replied slowly "...sure."

Next thing I know I was pinned down by what seemed to be the strength of 2 tons. Uniform oddly removed quickly in an orderly way.

Moments pass.

The customer retches my fluids from their stomach and into the latte.

I stand there traumatized, yet neatly re-uniformed.

The customer thanks me and says their Dark Lord Asmodeus would love this and leaves. Thinking this was one big daydream hallucination, I ended my shift wide eyed and went home. The sun rises and I collapse on the sofa. I wake up the next day none the wiser for my next shift. Apparently the customer was a shape-shifting incubus/succubus.

Everyday at 3:33 A.M. that "customer" orders that "latte" for the Dark Lord.


EnigmaWho t1_iuic5it wrote

I don't even know why I'm on this farm. I mean sure my parents are farmers and all, but that doesn't mean 'I' want to be one. The same old laboring routine day in and day out. So sick of it. I want to be a city boy living in my air conditioned condo rather than shoveling manure. Living in riches, comfort, and style. I want to get out of this no name hick town and make it big for myself!

Then I met 'it'. I thought my prayers have been answered. The great lord Clucky in the sky has granted me a gift so grand and bewitching that I would be seen in T.V.s and billboards nationwide! I would be famous!

Well it was short-lived. 'It' or rather she was the most arrogant, selfish, entitled, self-righteous chicken, if it even is a chicken with its scales under its feathers, that I have ever met! Calling me an idiot or a knave. Saying how she will not be trifled with such a task to jester herself in front of others. Telling me that my goals are nothing compared to the noble task to bring about the age of dragons back into the world. Bragging about her solemn duty or what-not. Talk about a stuck up prude.

She keeps prattling on about how she intends to restore her clan and seek vengeance upon the clan of the McDonald, the Chick-fil-A, and the Zaxby for slaughtering the descendents of dragons. As if a mere chicken can do anything about it...

Days passed and I decided to keep it a secret to my family and since I'm the one mainly responsible for the chicken coup. I don't think anyone will find out about her for now. She was mostly quiet and tended to only speak when I came by to collect eggs or feed the chickens. She kept talking about finding another of her kind that showed high traces of the noble "dragon" blood for joining her clan. Pfft as if just because you speak and have small patches of scales, you're a dragon! I mostly ignored her after being told that my search for wealthy comfort in the city was a foolish quest.

"Are you still upset about last time young lad?"


"Oh, come now, a boy like you couldn't possibly..."

"POSSIBLY WHAT?! HAVE A DREAM?!" I snapped back.

I've had it... I ran back home.

At dinner, I had an argument with my family. They wanted me to take over their family business. I told them I wanted to go to the city. They forbade it and I could do nothing, but feel the frustration. I ran out the house and decided to hide behind one of the barns and sat down to cool myself down.

It was a full moon tonight. Not just any full moon. The biggest and brightest moon I had ever seen tucked in its hazy dark blue blanket of clouds.

"Beautiful night isn't it? Young squire."

I looked back sideways as I dug my head under my arms.

"What would you know? You're a chicken..."

"Yes. But deep down I know I'm different. And I will embrace that difference, never letting it go. I will never give up and I will never let anyone tell me otherwise."

"I don't get it. Why are you calling yourself a dragon in the first place? I only see you as a talking chicken."

"Well I see you as a diligent honest farmer boy, but apparently you call yourself a city boy."

"That's different."

"... Okay well I'll tell you what. If I show you something, promise me that you won't give up on your dreams."


She begins to inhale while holding her breath. You can see faint sparks in her throat. Spontaneous glows and lights flare up inside. Then in an instant she bellows out a flame as large as my fist.

At first I wasn't sure what to think or say. My eyes widened as the whole thing played out. I just sat there looking at her while she stood there coughing into her feathered wings while she softly muttered, "I hope I didn't barbecue my throat."

The first thing I said or rather yelled was...


"I told you I was a dragon!" She replied as she smirked.

As I was laughing and smiling I gazed upwards slowly and realized my mom with her mouth wide-opened and staring downwards towards the talking fire breathing beast.

[Post-script] Hello. First time here. I didn't know how to end it. I'm not very great at this due to a lack of or zero experience. I still hope you enjoyed it.