
Enjoy_Your_Win t1_ith2xez wrote

The way I like to think of humanity is that we are inherently good but inherently selfish at the same time. We want what’s best for others - as long as it doesn’t negatively affect ourselves. We primarily care about ourselves and our in-group, also known as our “tribe” which could be anything from your family, friend group, race, sex, political party, etc.

And the funny thing is that even though I’m aware of this, I still fall victim to it. In this case my “tribe” is my generation and possibly the generation after me who will be somewhat affected by climate change but will ultimately be dead when the real consequences start happening.


Enjoy_Your_Win t1_ith0awf wrote

Well unfortunately (and I mean that 100% seriously) there are a lot of people like me who just can’t be bothered with the environment. I don’t have a good rationale for not caring, I just have so many other things going on in my life that I care about more. Maybe I’m just selfish and don’t care about how my actions affect future generations. 🤷‍♂️