
Entraprenuerrrrr t1_iwhmjln wrote

Ok I read the article. There is no mention on how well this biofuel will perform. Which is extremely important in aviation. Their rules and regulations are insanely strict. $4.10 a gallon vs $2 for jet fuel. Plane tickets double in price? Not to mention bio fuel will get worse mpg by quite a margin. Is a $500 ticket going to be $1300? Theres so much more that needs to be answered.

All they did was identify certain unused lands in the US can grow enough grass to be made into enough biofuel that it would be equivalent to the aviation industry’s use. Whoopdie doo that solves nothing


Entraprenuerrrrr t1_iwhfp5v wrote

It has been proven. Ethanol burn much less efficiently and consistently. Engines run rougher, and get poorer gas mileage. Also, ethanol attracts water, which is very bad for a fuel system and engine. There is no benefit to it being in our gasoline besides juicing corn farmers.

Edit: (source and another point) The process of turning corn into fuel, and then burning it, emits more Co2 than just burning gasoline
