
Environmental_Cake97 t1_j257414 wrote

Well, I’m a female in the US and I have a spare room. If someone could get an Afghan refugee to me there would be free accommodation, free food, and paid work to do when they felt up to it. I would dearly love to get a woman out of there and to safety.

The problem is all the goddamned bureaucrats between her and me.

I think assisting the ones who want to leave is all we can do. A people have to sort out their own internal problems because our attempts at intervention make things worse. Anyone who Nopes out of it is welcome at my place though. If they like dogs anyway.

I can’t solve everyone’s problems. I can’t bring out a whole family. I can assist one person, which is what I can do. Preferably female because I am female and that is my preference. You might take a male or a whole family.

If everyone did what they could do the Taliban would soon run out of victims. Doing nothing because you would prefer to solve a different problem is exactly that, doing nothing.


Environmental_Cake97 t1_ivy72t8 wrote

I wouldn’t want to be in the placebo arm of this one. Dying anyway? Targets the tumor macro environment to make engineered T cells I’m already getting more effective?

The worst it could do, the very worst, is have the opposite effect of that intended. It’s a risk I’d be happy to take.


Environmental_Cake97 t1_ivy09t0 wrote

The summary from the paper the article is based on. You basically use it alongside T Cells (which are a type of immune system cell) that can be artificially reprogrammed to target many types of the cancer.

This IV injection is designed to stop the tumor’s unholy minions from suppressing the modified T cells’ cancer eating activity.

That’s a simplification, but it’s the gist of it. If I got anything wrong there I’d appreciate someone pointing it out.


Therapeutic cancer vaccines are designed to increase tumor-specific T cell immunity. However, suppressive mechanisms within the tumor microenvironment (TME) may limit T cell function. Here, we assessed how the route of vaccination alters intratumoral myeloid cells. Using a self-assembling nanoparticle vaccine that links tumor antigen peptides to a Toll-like receptor 7/8 agonist (SNP-7/8a), we treated tumor-bearing mice subcutaneously (SNP-SC) or intravenously (SNP-IV). Both routes generated antigen-specific CD8+ T cells that infiltrated tumors. However, only SNP-IV mediated tumor regression, dependent on systemic type I interferon at the time of boost. Single-cell RNA-sequencing revealed that intratumoral monocytes expressing an immunoregulatory gene signature (Chil3, Anxa2, Wfdc17) were reduced after SNP-IV boost. In humans, the Chil3+ monocyte gene signature is enriched in CD16– monocytes and associated with worse outcomes. Our results show that the generation of tumor-specific CD8+ T cells combined with remodeling of the TME is a promising approach for tumor immunotherapy.


Environmental_Cake97 t1_iubsrd0 wrote

That’s ok. I’ll file it away in the back of my head then look out for similar data. If you can remember what it was prescribed for that would help.

You have a clotting issue? Hubby had a stroke, then he got an embolism on an international flight. The dufus had chosen THAT DAY to skip his Asprin because he was ‘busy’. He wasn’t too busy to get yelled at by his wife though.

I pulled a MitoQ out of my pocket while still in the airport and made him take it.


Environmental_Cake97 t1_iu8g034 wrote

I’ve had autoimmune conditions all my life and they do just go away sometimes, then you get a different one. I even had some kind of arthritis for 15 years in my toes, ankles, knees and wrists from around age 10, but I don’t think that was autoimmune in my case. I took glucosamine and chondroitin 1500mg and 500mg for 3 weeks around age 25 and the arthritis just went away. It used to come back, but a couple of days of the supplements and it would go away again. It’s been almost 30 years now since it’s been back. This is also around the time I turned vegetarian. Pretty sure the supplements fixed the arthritis, but it is possible that meat eating exacerbated it.

It was arthritis so bad the doctor was talking about joint replacement and I sounded like someone playing the castanets when I walked.

I’ve never heard of anyone else having such a great response, and I was never tested for what kind of arthritis it was, but I presume osteoarthritis.

I also have a high genetic risk for osteoarthritis according to Impute Me.

Just throwing that out there in case it helps anyone.