
Eokokok t1_jegawli wrote

CO2 is better than other things GWP-wise, true, but it has no place in home installations given everything about it.

There is one place where it makes sense, system which accounts for probably most lost refrigerants while not caring about efficiency that much - car AC/pumps. And guess where they not actually use it forcing proprietary garbage 1234f...

So if CO2 is to be pushed for environmental reasons it should be used were power and efficiency is less of an issue than leaks, but hey, it's never about environment in the first place is it...


Eokokok t1_jeg69n0 wrote

Great work done in worst order possible. Since obviously you are proud enough of it to come here with it you won't insulate. So you are still wasting money. And if you insulate your pump will have issues being significantly too big.

So no, you should insulate first either way, unless you have 700 square meters that would justify that energy need or live in Anchorage.


Eokokok t1_jeg5f1f wrote

You have no idea how heat pumps work, do you...

I run installation company. I sell heat pumps for a living. I'm certified home and industrial heating/cooling systems technician. And with this intro CO2 pumps suck.

To put it simply - your average 10kW unit can produce that 10kW at output water temp of 35C and outdoor temp of 7C, CO2 lineup is sold with different 'scaling' so to speak, so it might get that 10kW output at 7C outside for water of 70C, but because it's inefficient it won't have COP of 4 but more in the range of 2,4-2,6.

And at -7 your normal pump gets still ~8,5kW of heat output but CO2 will get like 6 or less... And COP nearing standard electric heater. Even for not max output temperature.

Let me say this again and again - if you need a high temp pump you should insulate your building in the first place. Than buy low temp pump. If you don't have money for both you should insulate your building first and not waste time and money for high temp pumps.

So what is presented as great environmental move is just wasting limited resources on marketing gimmick that avoids addressing main issue being outdated building standards for insulation and heating installation.


Eokokok t1_jeg35d6 wrote

Most modern, as in currently sold lineups of home range units, systems use R32, which has significantly lower impact than 410a while not being dreadfully inefficient in low temperatures...

So no, switching to CO2 is not really a way to go, it never was, is might be a great idea to sell heat pumps for users that need high temp, but those should not really be using heat pumps in the first place most of the time so yeah, great thing.


Eokokok t1_jefp6rw wrote

It does not work more efficiently though - it offers higher end of output range but it has pretty bad efficiency cycle overall, specifically bad on low input (outside) temperatures.

No idea why everyone is so excited about those, given most building would benefit more from actually getting more thermo work done and not just changing the energy source in the first place for something that is not particularly efficient in the first place...


Eokokok t1_j9j1hoz wrote

Gentrification is issue of the poor, so if you have property in a place that faces skyrocketing land value and decides to stay in such a place being poor for reasons you listed instead of selling it to improve your life it is definition stubborn choices.

It would be ok for everyone, you can stay and be significantly worse of than all your neighbours if it would not include endless outcry about how unjust it is that everyone around you is now better off...


Eokokok t1_j9h8upq wrote

What is the philosophical question here? If you do not own a property and are driven out by rising rent it does not seem philosophical, it's economical.

If you own a property and stay in place that seems to be getting way out of your income bracket yearly, because of stubbornness or family heirloom sentiments, and not sell to better your life elsewhere it's misguided feelings or lack of personal wealth management skills...


Eokokok t1_j9fz3j5 wrote

Just one thing to keep in mind regarding standing seam systems - do not go for cheapest ones. Actually look for company that will come over and pick the mounting to fit the seam properly. 'Universal' clamps, especially cheap ones, can move under high wind load. Seen installations that needed to be removed completely since they slide down the roof plane...


Eokokok t1_j8hjgr0 wrote

No, it can't. Unless you are taking about very specific ground floor only projects. Modern construction materials like AAC are insanely fast, whole walls for a single floor can be done within 2 days, 3rd for preparing the reinforcement for ceiling, 4th day you are done...

Also - walls and ceiling in my house is less than 12% of 'developer' state, meaning all construction and installations done before finishing work can start (floors, furniture, lights and so on). Walls are cheap.


Eokokok t1_j0v0e8l wrote


Eokokok t1_j0ugobd wrote

If you propose depopulation there is a start for that...

If you cannot even be bothered to read up on one child policy and while it failed miserably we are back at insanely stupid comment part.