
EpictetussutetcipE t1_j423t30 wrote

I always assume ransomware when they refuse to provide details and it's an extended "outage". Likely attempting to use FBI sources keys to decrypt the data and exhaust all other options before they finally state the scope of the problem.

Not how anyone should handle the incident... but that's how they chose to I guess?


EpictetussutetcipE t1_j42300h wrote

Recent court cases have held companies responsible for not adhering to baseline information security protection requirements. It's caused a ridiculous boom in the industry.

I feel bad for these smaller towns with limited budgets. I would suspect many of them are aged and don't understand the nuances and risks related to information systems, and now are bearing the brunt of that ignorance. I work in the field and can barely keep up, so I empathize with their plight.

Vermont as a state should've mandated requirements from these towns to adhere to certain control frameworks and provided them with expert services/financial support to that end. This is a failure at the state level, and as a country we should've been getting the federal infosec guidelines for smaller towns with limited budgets who could apply for grants to better prepare and protect themselves.

Overall, this just makes me sad.


EpictetussutetcipE t1_j4220fx wrote

So you're a republican then?

"If it didn't happen to me, it doesn't matter" rhetoric signals a lack of empathy and intelligence; which happen to be one of the most common shared traits within latest iteration of the republican party.

You can't see the interconnections, the implications, the possibilities and potential outcomes? Can you only see your selfish view of the world? How unfortunate.


EpictetussutetcipE t1_j22i3yo wrote

I recently let my dogs out to do their business for the night and was calling them back in... someone in my woods yelled out, "Fuck you!".

I've been sick and unable to find my property stakes, let alone post my property, but once I recover I'll be posting my property. My neighbors and anyone who cares to ask me know that I'm okay with hunters. But now they'll be forced to ask... not that it'll stop some of them.


EpictetussutetcipE t1_j1xjwgz wrote

No one is talking about what happened in the Denver Colorado area... It's arguably a bigger threat that will happen here.

Denver area is also supposed to be a small bastion of climate change with upper basin water and climate zones sliding favorably up...

They've had issues with fires and water shortages too, it's one reason why I left. An entire neighborhood block that burned down recently was a few miles away from me and if the winds continued that day my house would've been gone.

Ultimately what's really a threat to Vermonters is a broken property tax system. As property values increase, so do property taxes and just like California and Colorado, eventually the taxes alone will evict the poor from their homes opening it up for rich people to take everything Vermonters worked for.

As the climate change housing market heats up it'll happen here too, with crazy high ballooning prices. Land lots will be insanely priced and some lots will be forced to be subdivided, using imminent domain (also saw this in Colorado). In Colorado, I was paying nearly 11k in property taxes. Due to nearby homes of similar size selling for 150k more, they assessed my property 175k more than the previous review, causing a $300/mo increase in property taxes. It was a crazy burden on me, ultimately I moved to the NEK (this was 2+ years in the planning) to live better within my means and live a simpler life to hopefully prepare for what is to come. Now I fear I'll eventually lose it all to our tax system which persecutes those with less. Mark my words, in the next 30-50 years you'll be unable to afford your taxes and no one is talking about it.


EpictetussutetcipE t1_j1flwtn wrote

All our neighbors in my small NEK town have power but three of us on one side of the street don't... they're saying it could be days before it's back on (minimum more than 24 hours). I don't have much in terms of ability to heat my house without electricity. And I forgot to buy a 30amp generator cable when I bought my generator last month. I'm not sure what to do at this point. The flash hasn't started yet but when it does I don't think my little propane stove will be able to combat it.


EpictetussutetcipE t1_j1dhjjc wrote

Downvoted by fools who think they own their state; I find it comical it only happens on Reddit. I also moved from Colorado. People are definitely curious as to why you moved - but no one has been rude to us directly.

In general, I think the animosity is fairly contained to redditors who are frustrated with cost if living as if it's not a national issue. This is a huge problem, it's part of why I left Colorado- but they're so stuck thinking only of Vermont they don't see or chose not to care that this is a bigger issue, then get mad at people who have some equity to move here as if it's not our right as American citizens with free liberty between states residency.

I also posted something and got the same animosity, but I don't suffer fools... so it had no bearing on my decision.

People are and should be upset that unfettered capitalism is destroying our ability to live simple lives... however they should not be taking it out on fellow citizens suffering from the same but only slightly better off.