
EquivalentLake6 t1_jaan6pl wrote

I was trying to donate bus and train tickets to crossroads and had a hard time getting in contact with the person too but it did eventually work out. Hope she’s ok that is odd behavior for two months.

Not sure who you consider a free loader but there’s plenty of folks in need who search on offer up and fb marketplace for free items. I’ve given a bunch of stuff away like that - no way to tell if they aren’t gonna just resell them but I think a good chunk of the time it’s people who could use the help.


EquivalentLake6 OP t1_ja4xnu1 wrote

Sweet! I’ve not been to the venue either - actually haven’t been to any venues in providence yet, only Boston. Moved to providence during the pandemic so didn’t get to do too much exploring in that sense, but I’m itching to explore more of it now.

Where’d you move from. Feel free to DM me if easier

Tangentially related, I just came across AIC’s mockumentary and these guys are funny