
EricInAmerica t1_iwt70ss wrote

I still think we need to, as a nation, have a more honest conversation about what exactly districts are intended to be. Is a district supposed to be geographically compact, or is it supposed to represent specific populations? Is it supposed to align with the geography, or should it be more geometric? Is it bad to have a district that's intended to align with, say, a specific immigrant or minority population? Is it bad to have a district designed to represent an agricultural region vs. a manufacturing one?

I don't know the answers to those questions. Gerrymandering sucks, but I don't think we can solve it until we can talk more clearly about what we think districts are supposed to look like.


EricInAmerica t1_iw04j1f wrote

>There are 24-time zones, one for each hour of the Earth’s day. If you
push back one Time Zone, it will out of sync with the natural order.
High Noon is where the sun is at its peak (zenith) each day, this has
been Science behind sundials for eons.

There are a LOT more than 24 time zones. India is offset from GMT at +5 hours, 30 minutes. There are some others (e.g. Chatham Islands) that are offset at 45 minutes.

High noon doesn't correlate well with the zenith anywhere, ever.