
EspressoVagabond t1_j6cxrpp wrote

Weirdly I just realized I'm six months and a day since getting laid off from what also seemed like my dream company to work for.

The first couple weeks are the toughest, mentally. But it gets better. And I found that it's really an opportunity as well. I started a business, learned to code, lived abroad in some lower cost-of-living areas. That's not gonna be the path for everyone, but it's been great for me. And while I'm definitely still carrying some of the baggage from the layoff, it's lighter today.

Keep your head up! It's important to keep in mind that any job is still just a job. It's not your whole life, so don't make it.


EspressoVagabond t1_izidimm wrote

Reply to comment by r4wbeef in [OC] Largest IPOs in history by giteam

The $100B isn't actually using the same metric as the chart though. $100B is the total valuation of the company on the public market, but they "only" raised $3B from the IPO so it wouldn't make this list. These lists usually look at how much cash the company raised from the IPO.


EspressoVagabond t1_iwfwlqz wrote

Sledding wouldn't end well because you can't really control a sled in the same way you can control skis (things like slowing, stopping, turning...), and it's a very long way down. If you were to hike up you'd carry an ice axe with you, which would help you stop in case you started slipping down. One common way of descending peaks like this is called glissading—which is just a technical term for sliding down on your butt and using your ice axe to control speed.