
Eubadom t1_je0879p wrote

Reply to comment by mmphoto412 in Tree removal. by MrChichibadman

Cutting it can actually make it harder to kill in the long run. You'll end up with multiple trees by next year. Definitely needs to be removed, probably by a professional.


Eubadom t1_jd0s0e9 wrote

Not sure. I think It's private property I'm pretty sure it's never been fully excavated and confirmed. I think it's kept on the down low purposely but when I was growing up in BH everyone knew about it. I always found it interesting that it lines up pretty well with the mound in McKees Rocks and probably had a clear line of sight if it was clear of trees.


Eubadom t1_j6afc69 wrote

Yeah seemingly. Has any recent incident sparked anything close to George Floyd, regardless of the races of people involved? George Floyd was a perfect storm of circumstances to cause civil unrest. I'm pretty sure if that girl's video didn't hit social media in the middle of the lockdown it would have been swept under the rug and forgotten about like most police murders.