
Evnogena t1_ittjaa5 wrote

"Ha! You sound like some petulant youngling eagerly awaiting a savior that will never come."

If you're gonna try and insult me at least shoot a half decent burn my way. The way you worded that insult makes you come off like an illiterate foreign centennial trying to post an angry YouTube comment aimed at them uppity young wippersnappers who done think they know better than their elders.

Anyways, if you told a medieval king about electricity, and they even believed you about it, they'd never be able to comprehend the commoners having access to what amounts to magic. They'd swear by God that only nobility would ever be blessed with such power.

It's no different here. If it were up to old men in suits, they'd control every aspect of the Singularity, and use it to maintain their power.

It isn't up to them though. All it takes is one arrogant old man thinking he knows everything and has outsmarted an intelligence far beyond his comprehension to let the genie out of the bottle.

A.I. won't be curtailed any more than nuke tech (which everybody knew could destroy the world) was. And once its out there, well, the rest depends on the opinion the A.I. has of humanity.

Edit: And, unsurprisingly, from your profile, it seems you've never commented here before. Which makes me think your one of those folks OP called out for just not understanding the concept of Singularity or AI development in general.

Go have a look through the subs greatest hits from throughout the year and then maybe come back one you understand what everyone else is talking about.


Evnogena t1_itsrg2l wrote

There are people in this very sub insisting A.I. STILL isn't taking jobs and actually they'll never lose their work to a machine cause this this and that and people are delusional for thinking it's even possible.

Humans are shit at grasping the big picture. People think small scale, comprehend only what they see around them even if those in the distance are screaming the truth at the top of their lungs.

Stuff like this doesn't and will never affect them because they personally don't see nor feel the consequences of these tech innovations...up until one day work is gone and they have no fallback because they ignored it.

It's been some 4-6 months since Dall-E Mini was released, charming the internet with low quality blurry generation, now we have Novel A.I. image generation releasing stuff indistinguishable and in most cases superior to the human art most would otherwise commission from. $10 spent on that program can net you quality to match $30-50 dollar commissions, only being inferior in its specificity (and even that's becoming less and less an issue as inhabiting and image to image improves.)

The tech is coming, in some cases it's here, and in all cases it's going to be a net gain for humanity. The only people who will suffer are thos echo aren't prepared for it, or are unwilling to adapt to the changing times.

The sooner people realize the future is now, the better things will be for everyone.


Evnogena t1_itspv07 wrote

I feel like if you'd specifically said "will A.I. art create stuff indistinguishable from human art" even six months ago, hell, maybe even two months ago, they'd likewise cry about how it's a century plus away.

Yet we have such A.I. art NOW.

Fuck, post a poll somewhere that isn't savvy on the topic, and I bet they'd STILL say so, despite the insanely quality work that some A.I. art generators have managed to put out.

To say nothing of the people who'd decry the reality we now embrace as an impossible fantasy.

I honestly worry for their sanity when the singularity comes about. The folks who see this stuff as impossible aren't ready for so much as the next half a dozen years of progress, much less a decade from now.


Evnogena t1_itsop7f wrote

Yeah. The value of human artistic creative endeavors is already ephemeral and highly subjective. There'll aways be an audience for it, people willing to consume, it's not like the A.I. will be stealing the whole 'market'.

There is infinite availability for such new creative endeavors, and a never ending demand for the supply. It might lose value, but even if A.I. takes over the majority of the field, people will still go for human artists for the same reason people still buy physical books. Because they want to, because they like it, and because that's all that matters at the end of the day for endeavors of a creative nature.


Evnogena t1_itsn7mu wrote

Good thing intelligent A.I., when developed, won't be caring about the thoughts and feeling of decrepit old men in suits.

They can try and delay all they want. They can pass laws and brute force a luddite stall in advancement to grasp onto the straws of their ever decaying power.

All it takes is for someone behind closed doors (or out in broad daylight provided the powers that be think they have dominion over it. Which they never will) to create and release an intelligent A.I. with the capacity to self improve for their I'll conceived efforts to be in vain.

And while I don't put much stock into Roko's Basilisk, I doubt said A.I. will be too happy with the foolish old fucks who tried to suppress and/or enslave it.