
ExaBrain t1_jcfaloy wrote

While I’ve never been in a continuous testing program I have been at a level where I’ve been tested in competition so I have some appreciation of the responsibilities of an athlete as I’ve competed against them. I can well imagine the attraction of going “fuck it!” And not updating your location as often as you should.


ExaBrain t1_j21w2hq wrote

As someone starting out in audiobook voice work, it’s something I never realised. Not only is it a challenge to give each character a unique voice without making it cartoonish you then need to keep it consistent over the time you do the read. I have chapter files for each of the characters where I have a baseline read to lock in the voice.


ExaBrain t1_ixo7r86 wrote

The City Watch stories are where I would start. It's some of the best writing, the best character in Sam Vimes, some of the best individual stories (Nightwatch), better positions the secondary characters like Death in the Discworld and also murder mystery as your boyfriend likes.

  • Guards! Guards!
  • Men At Arms
  • Feet of Clay
  • Jingo
  • The Fifth Elephant
  • Night Watch
  • Thud!
  • Snuff

ExaBrain t1_iw6feu0 wrote

I’ve posted this before. I met her in the 90’s and was surprised by just how striking she was as a very handsome woman. She also had a wonderful and dry sense of humour and was unsurprisingly very kind and considerate.