
Exact3 t1_j9o75i7 wrote

Well obviously, I do have panels on the side and backwalls and also a few in the ceiling. But I was talking about the bass that you mentioned needed 20k speakers and 20k treatment to sound fast like in headphones, which simply isn't true. Good placement (I used the masters-setup) coupled with capable, half-decent speakers and bass traps will get you there.


>gee turn in a speaker a few degrees and it all can turn to shit, aleast
headphones don't have that problem, i can also listen as loud as i like
and any time i like without the neighbours wanting to kill me...

Completely beside the point, but you do you. Have fun with the Stax, I'll enjoy my speakers :)


Exact3 t1_j9o42zu wrote

Where are you pulling these arbituary numbers from? What I meant with the bass-comment is that headphones simply cannot do bass the same way a speaker can, a whole-body experience.

My speaker-setup has cost me about 2000€ so far, room treatment about 300€ (still more to come of course, gonna shoot up to about a grand in total) and the bass is fast, physical and doesn't ring in the room until the 40-30hz rangle. A couple bass traps achieved this, no need to spend 20k on them as your comment suggests lol. The whole presentation, with Dirac, is simply amazing, sold my HD800 since I simply don't even use them anymore due to this system, grand total of less than 3000.


Exact3 t1_j5sztnc wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in RME ADI-2 FS totally worth by [deleted]

I've used all five different crossfeed-settings, changing up up every once in a while. I usually like it on 2, just enough to get it sounding more natural while keeping most of the soundstage alive. Too much crossfeed just makes the stage too narrow for my tastes.


Exact3 t1_j5o48fx wrote

If you're a measurements-type of person, be sure to activate Auto ref level; it'll automatically switch between low- and high-gain to maximize SNR.

Also give crossfeed a go. I can't even use headphones without it anymore, makes the sound so much more natural, especially if you're used to listening to speakers.


Exact3 t1_j27lmtj wrote

This is the problem with this hobby; it's extremely subjective.

Some people can't tell a difference between a $100 pair and a $1000 pair and some can tell the differences between different amps.

If they're not worth it to you, returning them or selling them would be my advice.


Exact3 t1_iycc0fq wrote

>is it a difference that is drastic enough to warrant the extra $1240?

Only you can aswer this.

IMO, if you listen to a lot of music, it's a big part of your life and you can appreciate the small differences in sound (that some can't even differentiate) then I'd say they're worth it.

I don't regret for a second spending thousands on audio-gear because music is just that important to me. I will probably be a part of this hobby for the rest of my life.


Exact3 t1_iy2dtp9 wrote

I use an RME ADI-2 DAC but if I didn't, I'd probably just go with something like a Topping-stack. Just love fiddling with the RME's settings, doubt they sound different.


Exact3 t1_iw369nw wrote


Exact3 t1_iw2xjp8 wrote

Point on, if you play like shit they won't suddenly make you play better, but instead give you the opportunity to be better if you're in a clutch. Not gonna change your rank a whole lot, but helps for sure.


Exact3 t1_itk08lv wrote

Nice pairing. Loved my old LCD-2C, sold due to "comfort-issues" (just wanted something lighter really) but absolutely loved the vocals on them.

Demoed the Clears aswell, a very nice balanced headphone with the most slam I've heard in a headphone. Timbre was the main problem on them, didn't like the metallic nature of it. Also the fact that replacement-pads cost a fortune didn't help either.

Might be a stupid question, but how do you know they're Clears in an Elex-body? I mean, couldn't the seller just say he swapped the drivers?


Exact3 t1_it6f77v wrote

Same thing here. My HD800 barely gets any use anymore outside of gaming with friends when I need to use Discord or just want to blast music in late-late hours.

My speakers just simply crap on them, but it took a lot of tinkering with my room. Placement, acoustic treatment and proper decoupling.

With a bare room I''d probably use the Sennies more. Now I'm considering just selling them due to lack of usage. :(