
Exarctus t1_jcfmqqs wrote

I think you’ve entirely misunderstood what PyTorch is and how it functions.

PyTorch is a front-end to libtorch, which is the C++ backend. Libtorch itself is a wrapper to various highly optimised libraries as well as CUDA implementations of specific ops. Virtually nothing computationally expensive is done on the python layer.


Exarctus t1_j0ztwve wrote

I’ve not encountered many situations where I cannot use existing vectorized PyTorch indexing operations to do complicated masking or indexing etc, and I’ve written some pretty complex code bases during my PhD.

Alternatively you could write your code in C++/CUDA C however you like and provide PyTorch bindings to include it in your python workflow.


Exarctus t1_j0zqq3b wrote

The vast majority of PyTorch functions calls are implemented in either Cuda C or OpenMP parallelized C++

python is only used as a front-end. Very little of the computational workload is done by the python interpreter.

Additionally The C++ API for PyTorch is very much in the same style as the python API. Obviously you have some additional flexibility in how you optimize your code but the tensor-based operations are the same.

PyTorch also makes it trivially easy to write optimized CUDA C code and provide python bindings to it so you can make use of it with faster development time in python, while retaining the computational benefits of C/C++/CUDA C for typical workloads.


Exarctus t1_iyd7r5i wrote

I am an ML scientist. And the statement you're making about AMD GPUs only "being fine in limited circumstances" is absolutely false. Any network that you can create for a CUDA-enabled GPU can also be ported into an AMD-enabled GPU when working with PyTorch with a single code line change.

The issues arise when developers of particular external libraries that you might want to use only develop for one platform. This is **only** an issue when these developers make customized CUDA C implementations for specific part of their network, but don't use HIP for cross-compatibility. This is not an issue if the code is pure PyTorch.

This is not an issue with AMD, it's purely down to laziness (and possibly ill-experience) of the developer.

Regardless, whenever I work with AMD GPUs and implement or derive from other people work, it does sometimes include extra development time to convert e.g any customized CUDA C libraries that have been created by the developer to HIP libraries, but this in itself isn't too difficult as there are conversion tools available.


Exarctus t1_itl63zr wrote

Hi. I work in simulation.

Absolutely nobody is spending 100K on a single (laptop) workstation. What a ridiculously made up number. You can buy a reasonably large GPU farm for that amount of cash investment and have several orders of magnitude more compute. The vast majority of simulation codes are designed to scale well with problem size on GPUs.