
Exatraz t1_j9585xd wrote

Yeah, dogs and kids are great. With babies you have to be more careful as you are still establishing where that baby fits in the new pack dynamic. Again, most things I've read all point to usually the issue isn't the dog hurting the baby but becoming too aggressive towards others trying to protect the baby. This causes issues when say grandma comes over and tries to pick up crying baby. Dog doesn't understand that grandma is trying to help just that baby is in distress. If you've adequately enforced that the baby is under your authority as Pack leader, instead the dog will look to you for feedback and seeing that you are OK with grandma and baby, will defer to that authority.


Exatraz t1_j94hf0j wrote

Obviously it depends on the breed but most of the time the risk isn't the dog attacking the baby but the dog getting over protective of the baby to the point it doesn't allow anyone else near it without aggression. So yes, gotta keep the distance between the dog and the baby to establish the Pack dynamics and get the dog to learn that the baby is an extension of your authority. You shouldn't leave the dog unsupervised with the baby either but like, that's also true with most things. You generally don't leave babies this young unsupervised