
Exitoverhere t1_iwzjzpg wrote

I feel like you're really changing the definitions of these things to fit what you want them to fit. Strange New Worlds absolutely would not be called more of a crossover than a spin-off. Strange New Worlds only happened after how much people loved how the three characters were used on Discovery.

DS9 wouldn't have happened without TNG, Miles and Worf wouldn't have been on another show without TNG. The beginning of DS9 is literally dealing with storylines and character arcs established from TNG. A crossover is when you combine two things that already exist, when one show is created directly because of a prior show it's a spin-off.


Exitoverhere t1_iwzgal5 wrote

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine includes Miles O'Brien on the main cast from the beginning, who was a recurring from TNG, Worf who was also from TNG becomes a main on DS9 from Season 4 onwards.

Star Trek Picard stars Patrick Stewart as Picard from TNG.

Star Trek Strange New Worlds stars Pike, Spock and Una/ Number One who were in TOS from 1966 and then Pike was a main cast member in Discovery Season 2 which Strange New Worlds is an indisputable spin-off of.

My guess is you haven't watched much Star Trek.