
ExpensiveSyrup t1_ja8mw9e wrote

I am too old for Pokemon but I vicariously enjoy it through my son's enthusiasm for it. Sometimes I will just drive him around so he can hit the different good spots (gyms?) so that I can have the side benefit of spending time with him. I may have also picked him up early from school on a new game release day so that he had extra time to play.


ExpensiveSyrup t1_j5afny2 wrote

Reply to comment by GrayRVA in Flemish Fri-Daily by nilsrva

That’s so cool and spooky too! I’m glad it doesn’t frighten you and Casper is friendly and keeps you and your cat entertained. :) I didn’t realize it was you until you said hi, that’s so neat, hi back!! I gave the ornaments and one of the wreaths as Christmas presents to my sister and best friends and they all loved them so much! I kept one of the wreaths for myself and I enjoy it every day. Hope you’re well, friend!


ExpensiveSyrup t1_j57q0mv wrote

Reply to comment by GrayRVA in Flemish Fri-Daily by nilsrva

I've just finished listening to the podcasts Uncanny and The Battersea Poltergeist, and now listening to The Witch Farm. All BBC productions with the same (amazing) host, and I am super spooked. My SO keeps "sneaking up" on me by walking into the room, lol, poor guy. I can't imagine having an actual Casper. Would you be willing to share some more stories? I am fascinated. Do you have any idea about the history of the house and who/what might be there and why? I am assuming friendliness since you've named it/them Casper.


ExpensiveSyrup t1_j1r3bwg wrote

I got up early, went to the dr, and then took a three hour nap. I've been sick over the last four days, the dr said it's "just" my eustachian tubes. Doesn't necessarilly explain why I feel like death warmed over, but it does explain the vertigo. At least it's not covid like last Christmas. I am going to go see some family tonight, hoping it will be chill and then I can spend tomorrow doing some more napping and reading. I have a giant to do list but I really want to just relax this week as much as I can. January is going to be 100 mph at work and I already am dreading going back.


ExpensiveSyrup t1_ixar2ns wrote

Awesome, just let me know. It’s at a storage unit right now in midlo since we were getting new flooring. So it would be a pretty easy pick up with two strong people and a truck. I’m happy to let you check it out and try it before you decide, if you want. It’s a very safe fully camera covered place. Feel free to dm me, I’m around all this week.


ExpensiveSyrup t1_ixaglvt wrote

It’s currently $699 on the horizon website, and full disclosure that’s what I paid for it. https://www.horizonfitness.com/ex-59-elliptical It’s not new, but it’s not been used much. I’m very open to negotiation, it would be better off in a new home with someone who actually used it. My last asking price was $250, I’d like to get the space back.


ExpensiveSyrup t1_iubungu wrote

Reply to comment by Top-Experience-8874 in The Night Thread by Asterion7

I was someplace by myself last night and a nice person came over and asked if they could sit with me since they were also there alone. We ended up having a great conversation and waved over another person who was there alone who joined us. It always helps to just go for it. If you pick the wrong person or it’s awkward, move on. I was so happy to have someone come chat to me and grateful they had the courage. What’s the quote, you miss all the shots you don’t take? I find Richmond people to be pretty friendly in general.