
Exploding8 t1_j3rnq6y wrote

You realize everything you just described is work, right? lol. "Own Property" is doing a lot of work in there. Are you going to replace the roof yourself when it needs replacing? Fix the sewer yourself when it backs up? Whose going to fix the well when it breaks, you? You have excess food in this scenario?? Have you heard of farming? Its a job lol. Apparently you're also an electrician/engineer in this hypothetical reality if you set up and maintain your own Solar/Hydro electric power. Wild.


Exploding8 t1_j2c0fnc wrote

Pros: Cost of living, you can actually afford to buy a house here, the size makes it easy to get anywhere in the city within like 30 min, plenty of hobbies to get involved with around the city, and the affordability of the city means you can probably actually afford to engage in those hobbies.

Cons: That house you can afford to buy is probably 100 years old making maintenance way more expensive, the geography makes the roads pretty bad, depending on the hobby you might only have one place or group to enjoy it with which could be a problem if there's a falling out, and I've heard it echoed in other threads that dating here can be difficult compared to larger cities like NYC or Chicago which I've personally found to be true.


Exploding8 t1_j1eowu8 wrote

Its easy enough to prove. Go film yourself standing outside for 15 minutes in a tshirt. If the windchill isn't actually -20 then you'll be fine. If it is you'll get frostbite. You seem adamant about this point and it seems really important to you so might as well show us what's what.