
Ezekiel_W OP t1_jbfd04h wrote

>Researchers at the University of East Anglia have developed a new drug that works against all of the main types of primary bone cancer.
>The team used next generation sequencing to identify types of genetic regulators called small RNAs that were different during the course of bone cancer progression.
>The breakthrough drug increases survival rates by 50 per cent without the need for surgery or chemotherapy. And unlike chemotherapy, it doesn't cause toxic side effects like hair loss, tiredness and sickness.


Ezekiel_W OP t1_j9kf95m wrote

>Quantum computer systems have been hailed as the future of computing, able to make calculations that could be very difficult or impossible on the “classical” computers that we use today.
>But they are also prone to errors, that represent one of the major issues in the practical application of the technology.
>Now Google researchers say they have found a way of building the technology so that it corrects those errors. The company says it is a breakthrough on a par with its announcement three years ago that it had reached “quantum supremacy”, and represents a milestone on the way to the functional use of quantum computers.
>Researchers at Google Quantum AI said they have found a way to lower error rates as the size of the system increases, which they describe as being at a “break-even point”.
>Dr Hartmut Neven, engineering director at Google Quantum AI, said while there are still challenges that lie ahead, he thinks that at this stage “we can confidently promise a commercial value” for quantum computers.


Ezekiel_W OP t1_j8y2v6b wrote

>A rabbi in New York, Joshua Franklin, recently told his congregation at the Jewish Center of the Hamptons that he was going to deliver a plagiarized sermon – dealing with such issues as trust, vulnerability and forgiveness.
>Upon finishing, he asked the worshippers to guess who wrote it. When they appeared stumped, he revealed that the writer was ChatGPT, responding to his request to write a 1,000-word sermon related to that week’s lesson from the Torah.
>“Now, you’re clapping — I’m deathly afraid,” Franklin said when several congregants applauded. “I thought truck drivers were going to go long before the rabbi, in terms of losing our positions to artificial intelligence.”


Ezekiel_W t1_j6nz4eh wrote

The idea that people will become useless is rooted in our capitalist society and its economic structures. AGI and automation are inevitable, barring a catastrophic event. Think of the amazing advancements in technology like in your favorite sci-fi stories - advanced medicine, entertainment, travel, and more. And imagine having the freedom to pursue your passions, travel, or spend time with loved ones without the need to work for a living. This is the promise of AGI, as long as we don't get turned into paper clips.


Ezekiel_W t1_j6nwba9 wrote

The notion of containing AI is a flawed concept. With advancements in hardware and improved AI performance, open-source versions will become widely available, rendering containment efforts ineffective. Additionally, moral and ethical considerations are fluid and constantly evolving. What may have been considered acceptable 1000 years ago in another culture may not align with current beliefs and values.


Ezekiel_W t1_j67087j wrote

The topic is important and worth discussing, but it's a bit too broad and not specific enough. Can you give a bit more detail on what you mean? Are you talking about how social media companies use AI to influence people? Or are you worried about advanced AI like chatGPT or AGI? Or maybe deepfakes are on your mind? A little more info would go a long way.