F1yMo1o t1_jb2i5ey wrote
Reply to comment by ChunkofWhat in If you’re ever annoyed by service changes because of “Track Repair”, never forget the hard work behind them that keeps our subway alive. by beechcraft10
All systems follow the same path - boomers use great investments made by their forebears, don’t pay it forward, pull the carpet up and complain about the younger generation. The field doesn’t matter, it’s true everywhere. Subway infrastructure is not immune.
F1yMo1o t1_jbraf8z wrote
Reply to comment by FLHCv2 in Latest subway cars roll into service, start their journey on the A line by kuberlog
I also thought it sounded silly. Especially as someone looking at financial statements all day.
Just looked it up, it’s step 4 in testing new trains.