FG88_NR t1_jd81s7z wrote

Right? Like clearly, this lady took a shit before and would know how to make her own toilet flush. I can't imagine going through this and concluding that picking up my own shit and toss it out the window is somehow better than asking how to get the toilet to flush properly...


FG88_NR t1_jcaszng wrote

It was a comment that had nothing to do with OP's fuck up and was inserted only to insult this guy that OP was jealous of for talking to some random girl he has been watching for a while now. A bathroom selfie at the gym is the least super cringe thing in this story haha


FG88_NR t1_jc97wrk wrote

I don't know, you might be reading too much into her being nice. You said she gets approached a lot at the gym? She likely has the small chat down from all the guys attempting to talk to her. Maybe you won some points, but I'm not sure how you're any different than any of the other gym bros that try talking to her, you know? I mean... you also kind of told her you been watching her haha


FG88_NR t1_it8cw2i wrote

>if it can get this bad why the fuck do you still do it?

Because it's not normally like this for a lot of people. It's kind of like drinking, if you drink in excess, you can blackout and have a terrible time.

I don't do mushrooms a lot or on the regular, but when I do it's small doses. If I get a shroom I never had before, I practice caution and take small amount so I can better understand how it will effect me. Never have I experienced a situation where I became so disoriented that I didn't know who I am, who the people around me were, and so on.

This isn't remotely close to normal and OP should stay away from shrooms.