
FGoose OP t1_j89indp wrote

So this shot is actually two years old. I haven’t seen a bald Eagle at fdr in awhile. That’s probably coincidental though. They are still regularly reported at the naval yard and fdr and surrounding areas.


FGoose t1_j4pwvi3 wrote

I work in center city. I can’t stand the carriages. I believe the drivers think the horses are treated well and I believe that they may even love the horses….

However, center city traffic and conditions do not treat the horses well and neither does the road. Breathing in exhaust all day, being inches away from being struck by cars, the honking, the exhaust, the sirens, etc.

This isn’t the 17 hundreds. There’s no place on the road for these animals in center city and to pretend otherwise is a farce.


FGoose OP t1_j2rt4nl wrote

If you are in Philly there is a mated pair at pennypack on the Delaware year round. Bring binoculars and check out the soccer fields. They love perching on the goal posts. They are very hard to photograph but they are easy to spot with binoculars. They are easily my favorite raptors.

It was beautiful near the beginning of the fall this year as they had a brood of like 4 chicks. So you could see 5 of them on the goal posts at one time. It was so joyful.


FGoose OP t1_j2mkcmx wrote

No worries! Raptor identification can be particularly difficult especially with regional variants, dimorphism, similar plumage, etc. I still have difficulty differentiating sharp shin and Cooper hawks. Just a few weeks ago I mistook a Merlin for a kestrel on a rainy day.

Birding can be a really challenging hobby.


FGoose t1_j2a459a wrote

No one needs to be better! These are beautiful pictures that the artist had made their own! This is a truly beautiful gallery and I am happy to share the hobby! Also. I am jealous you actually got a shot of that screech owl. I know exactly where that is and it is rarely ever out at any time that’s good for photography.

Seriously. That pic of the hooded merganser is particularly gorgeous.