
FIicker7 t1_j0q4b2b wrote

When the 40 hour work week was passed into law, the average factory worker worked between 60 and 70 hours a week.

A house hold had one income earner. Today we have 2 income earners per household. That's 80 hours of work per household.

Add to that the fact that AI will make 10s of millions of jobs obsolete.

Education and a 30-24 hour work week are necessary.


FIicker7 t1_iwz4w3p wrote

That's a great question. I'm glad you asked.

If my memory serves me correctly (I can look into finding a source if you want),

modern digital banking relays on an encryption that uses the GPS system to encrypt and verify transactions.

Edit: Oh and the Clocks on your phone are GPS time and their isn't an easy way to change this because your phone also uses GPS for navigation. So in a 10 or 15 years the clocks on your phone will be noticeably off.


FIicker7 t1_iwyutic wrote

Edit: I assumed this resolution would desync countries creating a mix of countries in and out of sync.

You know what they say when you assume...

But the article does mention that Russia's constellation is not able to comply which will cause problems (Not that I care).

Original Post:

Won't this mess up GPS over time?

Don't most countries base thier time on GPS signals?

So after a few years GPS and their terrestrial clocks will be out of synch, messing up bank transfers...

Smart. /s

Edit: Some lite reading.

I guess they will change their minds, when things start to break...