
Faelix t1_j91bztn wrote

Responsible for his creation, but who can assume murder?

If you beget a baby, the natural way with a woman, and he becomes a murderer, is it not the same case?

Frankenstein was not trying to create a murderer, when people have babies they don't assume murder.

Dr. Frankenstien does nothing to create a murderer, by whipping, bullying, tormenting his creation to cause agression. If a parent has not done such thing to it's offspring, how can the parent be held responsible.

The accusation can respond, that Frankenstien dug up from the graveyard, murderers and robbers and criminals who have been hung. But what is the accusation saying? that such men should not be allowed to bear children? Is it a criminal offence, if a woman becomes pregnant with the child of a dangerous man?

Is the accusation being borderline eugenic, are they advocating for sterilization of unwanted people?


Faelix t1_j7fa0dx wrote

The book is called Pride and Prejudice. Darcy, the upper class, suffers from Prejudice, and Elizabeth, the middle/working class, suffers from Pride. It's a lovestory how Love overcomes these two vices in them, even though they clash and gives each other a bad first impression.

You could even argue that they fall in love with each other, because of the 2 vices. Pride loves Darcys prejudice, and prejudice loves Elizabeths pride. So is Elizabeth wrong? Does Darcy not love her, because of her passionate resentment at being looked down upon. But in the Lovestory, they both become the better person as love overcomes the vices, in the sense that 2 wrongs make a right, and that is why we love the story.


Faelix t1_iw205wd wrote

I feel confident your leap of logic reveals your own inner rascism, and not that of the Bible. Have you not noticed, how your generations is found guilty, of everything they accused the Christians of?


Faelix t1_iw1znvj wrote

To call it a flaw is your very subjective interpretation. To me, God makes it clear that outside of Eden, there were primitive people, wanderers, beduins, who would kill any trespassers they came upon.

When God evicts Adam and Eve, he makes them clothing of Animal Skin. So that put's us in time. The conflict of Cain and Abel, are the hunter/gatherer, vs the Farmer. The Farmer creates much more produce, than the hunter/gatherer.

It all puts us in a specific time of human history.

I, who did find God, is very glad that the Allmighty, puts this on the table, I am not one to accept time as absolute, and will not use the Bible generations, to date earth, as some do. Time is relative, and God created all things in 6 days, on the seventh day he rested.