
Fafnir26 OP t1_itrackl wrote

Well, I have thought a lot about it and I don´t like it. Maybe my views will change after I read the book? From what I´ve seen the author is not so much persuading the reader as he is preaching, though. But I will check out Starship Troopers now. Probably after I finished Salambo. And then maybe reward myself with A Knight in Anarchy. I am more of a history and fantasy guy to Sci Fi. I prefer swords over guns personally. Honestly, they seem like the more honorable weapon.


Fafnir26 OP t1_itpzfe5 wrote

Okay, thats good. But you still want to debate about it, so you should name problems if there are any, because I don´t see a lot if any.

I think the way universal suffrage is understood it still excludes children (I´d say give people the vote at 16 at the youngest) and "foreigners". Foreigners is not really precise term, though as you can change your nationality. Also, Athens excluded a whole lot of people if we are talking about ancient Athens.


As for criminals, I think they should have at least some say how they are treated, espacially if they suffered from mental ilness, drug addiction, prejudice or poverty. And lets not forget people still sometimes go to prison unjustly. Honestly I am more afraid of people treating criminals cruely than of criminals being able to create some sort of situation were they are coddled by the system.


Well, I am not sure if communism works economically but I don´t think they should be totally excluded from politics. We have a far left party here in Germany that has some communists I think. I don´t think its fair to put them on the same level as Nazis, Soviets or even facists (and a facist politician even won an election very recently in Italy).


Yeah, that is a problem, but I think the solution is better education and news reporting, not exclusion.