
FarArdenlol t1_j9usk3x wrote

This is a great suggestion for someone who’s new to reading books in English for sure.

I mean Pratchett is generally a great suggestion, but reading OP I get a feeling Hemingway might be a bit too much for someone still having trouble with vocabulary.

I’d recommend Guards! Guards! or Small Gods by Pratchett.


FarArdenlol t1_ix8trl1 wrote

It’s a decent book, very easy to read. Also it’s not that long. I did enjoy it because some of the characters are interesting, their relationships are explored deeply and there are some touching moments.

The best thing about it for me is the setting. I’d tell you what specifically but I don’t want to spoil anything.

I wouldn’t put it anywhere near my list of best books or whatever, but I guess it’s a good book if you don’t mind depressed and lost characters.

I’d say it’s not about the plot, it’s more about exploring the innermost thoughts of characters who have deep connections issues, struggles with close friend’s death and whatnot.