
FatedMoody t1_j879aee wrote

Sure ok if there is a massive breach and that corrupts all your passwords and destroys backups but still allows to sync with every device you have destroying those copies and those devices also don’t have backups then yes you might be in trouble. No solution is absolutely foolproof. However what’s more likely, the scenario described here or someone accidentally throwing away their password list or it being lost in some home accident? That’s literally single point of failure


FatedMoody t1_j877bdj wrote

> what happens if someone breaches last pass and destroys the vaults and nukes the backups (and given they've been so heavily breached, and I have 0 confidence in them corporately to store safe backups) then what.

I don't see this any different than your previous scenario. All your devices should have local copies. Sure, they may be a bit out of date but for the most part you should have most of your credentials

>My initial point was, there are lots of good reasons to argue against paper vs password manager, but loss isn't one of them

Well then we disagree. In my mind of the major features for LastPass is redundancy and they are more likely to be much better at it than I am and worse case I have copies on my devices. Truly losing a password can be extremely devastating, case in point (though an extreme example):


>LOL If your network is down, what are you signing into you don't have memorized?

Imagine laptop you don't use often being locked and you're on a plane with your phone in airplane mode...


FatedMoody t1_j85zcsf wrote

Hey already replied first time without attitude even though you called my arguments bad without even understanding how LastPass works. Do you now see how LastPass going bankrupt or offline isn’t that big a deal as opposed to losing a piece of paper with all your passwords and no backup?

Now as for your follow up question. Yes if you updated a bunch of passwords at your office and LastPass goes down other devices won’t get the updates. However this shouldn’t be that big an issue since the work computer should have those changes you made locally


FatedMoody t1_j0q18vu wrote

I agree and disagree at the same time. It doesn't make all humans obsolete but greatly lessesns the amount of people needed especially entry level. For example, lawyers. Will AI make all lawyers obsolete? Probably not but will great diminish demand for paralegals and first year lawyers that we were mostly reviewing case law, finding precedent or just doing simple contract like wills, leases and etc

Basically tech will do what it has been doing, make the great workers even better and more productive while cut down the rest. I actually think this is what's happening now and a factor in growing inequality